Commercial directed by Simon Cornish, produced by Richard Guy for I-Motus productions.

Created to be used online, at conferences and for pitches, this promo was made at Itchy Pictures using 3D computer graphics, and Adobe After Effects.

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Fujitsu –With You on the High Street

This project was for the promotion of Fujitsu's retail technology to major high street players. It was produced for Imotus, and production managed by Richard Guy. The original idea was to produce something that resembled Google Earth and the concept grew from there. After a number of design changes, the look came out as a very simple, stark white city in 3D, with the branded red lines to highlight the action and stills of the main retailers to suggest that Google Streetview feel.

The main production occurred over a three week period.

The software used was Lightwave 3D, with a certain amount of post production carried out using Adobe After Effects.

Fujitsu B2B promo